"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." MahatmaGandhi

Ukraine Animal Rescue

Discover the inspiring story of Olena Dadaseva, a dedicated animal rescuer in Ukraine, and learn how you can support her mission to save stray animals affected by conflict.

Olena Dadaseva: A Guardian Angel for Ukraine's Strays

In the midst of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, a beacon of hope shines through the unwavering dedication of Olena Dadaseva. As a proud native of this resilient nation, Olena has taken it upon herself to extend a helping hand to the most vulnerable members of her community—the countless stray animals caught in the wake of conflict.

Olena’s daily walk with dog

Olena's journey began in 2018, when the war in eastern Ukraine displaced thousands of people and their beloved companions. Witnessing firsthand the suffering of these innocent creatures, she knew she had to act. What started as a personal mission quickly blossomed into a lifeline for countless furry friends in need of rescue, medical treatment, and loving forever homes.

Over the years, Olena has rescued thousands of stray dogs and cats, relying solely on her own resources and the power of social media to spread awareness and garner support. Her selfless efforts have not only saved lives but have also ignited a movement of compassion that transcends borders.

As the number of animals in need continues to grow, Olena's determination remains strong. Her work is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the profound impact one person can have when driven by a deep sense of empathy and commitment to making the world a kinder place, one furry friend at a time.

A Calling Ignited by War

Olena started her journey in 2018. When the war in eastern Ukraine forced thousands of people to leave their homes and their beloved animals, the problem became more common. Seeing these unfortunate animals, Olena Dadaseva decided to do everything in her power to save those she could. As a Ukrainian, she felt a deep connection to the plight of these animals.

Witnessing the suffering of these defenseless creatures ignited a fire within Olena's heart. She knew she had to take action and extend a helping hand to those who could not help themselves. With unwavering determination, she began rescuing stray dogs and cats from the war-torn regions, providing them with food, shelter, and medical care.

Through her efforts, Olena cultivates empathy and believes in the importance of giving happiness to all individuals, regardless of their ability to do so. She worked tirelessly, often using her own resources and relying on the power of social media to spread awareness and seek support for her noble cause.

Thousands of Lives Transformed

Since 2018, Olena has rescued and found loving homes for an astonishing number of dogs and cats. Her unwavering dedication has touched the lives of thousands of dogs and cats, each with their own heartbreaking story of abandonment, neglect, or abuse.

One of her most notable success stories is Buddy, a picky hound mix who was found in a roadside ditch, severely malnourished, and covered in mange. Following several months of rigorous care and Olena's affection, Buddy developed into a robust and content puppy who found a loving home in Kyiv.

Another heartwarming tale is that of Smokey, a beautiful cat who was rescued from a burning building. Despite suffering from smoke inhalation and burns, Smokey made a full recovery under Olena's watchful care and now enjoys a life of luxury with her new family.

These are just two of the countless lives Olena has touched, but each animal she has rescued carries its own unique story of resilience, hope, and the transformative power of compassion.

Beyond the walls of her home, Olena's compassion extends even further. She tends to 35 elderly animals scattered across her friends' gardens, their temporary havens until a permanent solution can be found. Her daily routine involves a tireless journey, driving from one location to another, ensuring that every animal under her care receives the nourishment and love they deserve.

The streets of Volodymyr-Volynskyi, her hometown, bear witness to her dedication. Stray dogs, once forgotten and neglected, now find solace in her presence. Whether it's the local police or fire department seeking her aid after a harrowing incident, Olena's door remains open, her heart unable to turn away a soul in need.

In a region where registered shelters are a rarity, Olena's dream of establishing a dedicated sanctuary takes on even greater significance. With a small house outside the city, she envisions a place where every rescued animal can find a permanent home, a place of healing and hope.

Yet, the path to realizing this dream is paved with obstacles. Resources are limited, and the demand for her services continues to grow. But Olena's spirit remains unbroken, fueled by the belief that every life, no matter how small or forgotten, deserves a chance at happiness.

Defying Criticism with Empathy

In Ukraine, where the country is grappling with the aftermath of war, many question Olena's decision to focus her efforts on animals instead of people in need. However, Olena remains steadfast in her mission, driven by a profound belief in the intrinsic value of all life, be it human or animal.

By supporting Olena's mission, one is not merely helping animals; they are promoting a culture of empathy and compassion that transcends species. Her unwavering dedication serves as a reminder that kindness knows no boundaries and that every act of mercy, no matter how small, contributes to a more humane world.

A Tapestry of Kindness: How You Can Help

If you share our passion for animal welfare and want to join Olena's mission, we invite you to visit her Facebook page, where she diligently documents the lives of each rescued pet. ДОПОМОГА ТВАРИНАМ "вусолапохвіст"м.Володимир.

You can extend your support through her PayPal Fundraising page. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a profound difference in the lives of these innocent animals.

Together, let's weave a tapestry of kindness, one thread at a time, to create a brighter, more compassionate future for animals in Ukraine. Your act of generosity today will echo through generations, inspiring others to follow in the footsteps of Olena's unwavering dedication.

A Story of Hope for All

Olena's mission is not just about rescuing animals; it's a powerful narrative that resonates with our shared humanity. By extending compassion to the most vulnerable beings, we cultivate empathy and kindness that transcend species boundaries.

Her unwavering dedication serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, acts of love and mercy can prevail. Through her work, Olena challenges us to embrace a broader perspective, one that recognizes the inherent worth of all life forms.

By supporting her cause, we contribute to a world where compassion is the guiding force, where the cries of the voiceless are heard, and where every being is treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. It is a story that inspires us to be better, to rise above the divisions that plague our world, and to unite in our shared commitment to creating a kinder, more inclusive future for all.

In the end, Olena's tale is not just about saving animals; it's about saving ourselves from the clutches of indifference and apathy. It's a call to action, a reminder that each of us has the power to make a difference, one act of kindness at a time. By joining her mission, we become part of a greater narrative, a story of hope that transcends borders and boundaries, bringing light to even the darkest corners of our world.

Our Commitment to a Kinder World

At Pet Plaza Boutique, we're more than just a business; we're a movement driven by compassion and a deep reverence for all life. Olena's inspiring work has touched our hearts, reminding us of the profound impact that one person's dedication can have on the lives of countless innocent beings.

By supporting Olena's mission through our donations, we're not just helping animals in need; we're fostering a culture of empathy that transcends species and borders. When you shop with us, you're not merely acquiring products; you're becoming part of a tapestry of kindness that weaves together the threads of love, respect, and sustainability.

We invite you to join us on this journey, to be a catalyst for change, and to leave a lasting legacy of compassion. Together, we can create a world where every living creature is treated with the dignity and care they deserve, a world where acts of kindness ripple outward, touching lives and transforming hearts.

So, let's write a new chapter in this heartwarming tale, one stitch at a time, one act of kindness at a time. Your purchase at Pet Plaza Boutique is more than just a transaction; it's a powerful statement of solidarity and a vote for a kinder, more beautiful world. Join us, and let's make a difference, one furry friend at a time.

From Abandoned to Nourished: A Story of Hope and Healing

Olena's mission extends beyond emergency rescues. It encompasses nurturing animals back to health, like the eight puppies found abandoned on the roadside. She took them into her shelter, provided medical care, and fed them with high-quality food until they regained strength. These puppies, once trembling and fearful, now show the joyful wagging of tails, ready for a loving home.

Adopted Cat

A Cat Found Love and Care

The image above captures the soulful eyes of a cat who found love and care being adopted.

Dog Hanging from a Tree

A Dog's Heart-Wrenching Rescue

Olena Dadaseva received a phone call that would change her life forever. A group of people had found a dog hanging from a tree in the forest. The dog was badly injured and had clearly been abandoned. Olena immediately rushed to the forest to rescue the dog.

When she arrived, she found him lying on the ground, barely alive. He had a rope around his neck, and his fur was matted with blood. Olena gently untied the rope from the dog's neck and carried him to her car. She took him to the vet, where he underwent surgery to repair his injuries.

The dog survived the surgery, but he had a long road to recovery. He was in a lot of pain and had to be kept in the hospital for several days. Olena visited the dog every day in the hospital. She fed him, played with him, and gave him love and support. She refused to give up on him, even when the doctors told her that he might not make it.

After several weeks, the dog started to make progress. He was eating and drinking on his own, and he was starting to wag his tail again. Olena knew that he was on the road to recovery. The dog was eventually released from the hospital and went to live with Olena. She named him Hope because he had given her hope when she needed it most. Hope is now a healthy and happy dog. He loves to play fetch and go for walks in the park. He is also very protective of Olena and always follows her around. Olena is grateful for the opportunity to give Hope a second chance in life. She knows that he is a special dog and she is determined to give him the best possible home.

Rescued Dogs Treatment

Olena's patience and compassion are helping the dog slowly overcome her fear. Olena is determined to give this dog the love and care she deserves.

Husky Rescue Story

From Dormant to Thriving

Rescued puppies having their third meal. They had been thrown away to the road, all 8 of them. Olena saved them; they are already vaccinated and ready for a new home. They still don't trust people and are scared of everything, and like humans, they are always together.

8 puppies saved by Olena

Olena Comforting the Dog

One of the most distressing cases Olena has dealt with involved a dog that had been horrifically abused by her owner. After learning about the dog's plight, Olena knew she had to intervene. She managed to negotiate with the owner and, after offering him some money, was able to take the dog into her care.

The trauma inflicted on the dog was so severe that even after many months in Olena's apartment, the dog would shake, urinate, and defecate whenever she heard a man's voice, even if it was Olena's husband. The dog's fear and distress were palpable—a heartbreaking reminder of the cruelty she had endured.

Olena's patience and compassion are helping the dog slowly overcome her fear. Olena is determined to give this dog the love and care she deserves.

Slow recovery in Olena's place


Maria, a local volunteer: "Seeing Olena work is truly inspiring. She gives everything to these animals, and you can see the difference she makes in every wagging tail and grateful gaze."

Dr. Ivan Petrenko, Veterinarian: "Olena brings in animals in the worst conditions, but her care and dedication turn their lives around. It’s remarkable to witness and be a part of this mission."

Anna, Adopter of a Rescued Cat: "Adopting a cat from Olena changed our lives. She not only saved this little soul but also supported us through the adoption process. Her passion is contagious."


How does Olena manage the funds received from donations?

"Every dollar goes directly into the care of the animals—food, medical treatment, and efforts towards our dream shelter," explains Olena.

Can I visit the animals and see Olena’s work firsthand?

Olena welcomes visitors who want to see the impact of their support and potentially volunteer.

What are the most pressing needs for Olena’s rescue operation?

Immediate needs include medical supplies, food, and funds for constructing a shelter.

How effective have past adoptions been?

"We follow up on every adoption, ensuring a seamless transition for both pet and owner," says Olena.

What can I do if I’m unable to contribute financially?

Raising awareness is incredibly helpful. Sharing Olena's story and the Pet Plaza Boutique's mission on social media can attract more supporters and resources.

How can I directly contribute to Olena Dadaseva's mission?

You can donate through her PayPal fundraising page or by purchasing products from Pet Plaza Boutique, where 10% of each sale is donated to her efforts.

What types of animals does Olena rescue?

Olena primarily rescues dogs and cats that have been abandoned, injured, or abused, but she also attends to any animal in distress.

Can I adopt a pet rescued by Olena?

Yes, many of the animals rescued by Olena are looking for loving homes. You can check her Facebook page for updates and adoption information.

How are the funds used in Olena's animal rescue mission?

The donations are used for medical treatments, food, shelter, and occasionally transportation costs to rehome these animals safely.

What can I do to help if I cannot make a financial contribution?

Raising awareness is incredibly helpful. Sharing Olena's story and the Pet Plaza Boutique's mission on social media can attract more supporters and resources.

Adopted dog with new owner


As of May 25th, 2024, Olena has 35 old animals located in friends' gardens as no place to keep them, and she is feeding them every day, plus 18 puppies, plus some dogs and cats keeping in her 2-bedroom apartment, mostly the ones without a chance for being adopted because they are the most ill or old ones. So in total, she has, in all places, 53 pets, 25 dogs, and 28 cats. Also, she is feeding daily homeless dogs, which she physically can't take any more. Some days they are coming 20 pets, another 30. It's hard to guess with them. Olena's dream is to buy one day a very small house outside the city and be able to finally register a small shelter and pick up every pet in need. Like now, even the police department or fire department bring her the pets after an accident or fire because they know she can't say no, and in that place, Volodymyr Volynski City, there is no registered shelter at all, even around a minimum of 100 miles.